

The situation in Afghanistan is a mess. There is no getting around it. However, to solely place the blame on President Biden is folly, as multiple people contributed to the rapid collapse the the democratic government and the Afghan Armed Forces during the Taliban's rapid advance.

January 20, 2021 is the last day of Republican Donald Trump's presidency and the first day of Democrat Joe Biden's President. At noon (Eastern Time), Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States. But this years inauguration is very different.

The United States Supreme Court has become politicized. This is not good, the Founding Fathers did not intended for the Court to be political, they wanted the Justices not to influenced by elections and needing to curry favor with politicians to get on the court. But the system they designed has broken down. In 2016, Senate Republicans refused to...

In the previous week, the national polls continue to favor Biden, as do many of the state polls, notable in the battleground states. It is reasonable to say that the polls are expect to narrow by Election Day. However, we have not yet seen any noticeable narrowing nationally. Additionally, if anything Biden is gaining in the polls, which is counter...

The AP has reported that six men are being charged in Federal Court for attempting to kidnap the Democratic Governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer. The AP also reports that those 6 men were in contact with a militia group and had plans to overthrow the Michigan Government. Seven other men were charged of targeting police and the State Capital....

The Vice Presidential Debate has ended and it was a debate. While Trump and Biden both would give an F for their performances, Pence and Harris pass. Since I brought up grading them, I give Harris an 8.5/10, a solid B and I give Pence a 7/10. a C-. (I'm using a 10 point scale, but on the other grading scale it would be a D)....

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